I want to get the directory structure on server and parse it to json format so that I can send this to jQuery treeview plugin(Dynatree) through ajax. Dynatree accepts tree data something like this:
{"title": "Item 1"},
{"title": "Folder 2", "isFolder": true, "key": "folder2",
"children": [
{"title": "Sub-item 2.1"},
{"title": "Sub-item 2.2"}
{"title": "Folder 3", "isFolder": true, "key": "folder3",
"children": [
{"title": "Sub-item 3.1"},
{"title": "Sub-item 3.2"}
{"title": "Lazy Folder 4", "isFolder": true, "isLazy": true, "key": "folder4"},
{"title": "Item 5"}
In this Question @Timothy Shields shown a way to get Directory from DirectryInfo class and parse the structure to Json format like this:
JToken GetDirectory(DirectoryInfo directory)
return JToken.FromObject(new
directory = directory.EnumerateDirectories()
.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => GetDirectory(x)),
file = directory.EnumerateFiles().Select(x => x.Name).ToList()
but the output is not like the above one and I don't know how can I manipulate it. I would appreciate if someone tell how I can produce above output from directory structure. Thanks.
I have edited the question. I think the question is clear now.
try this instead : you could create a class with properties as Dynatree want (title, isFolder, ...).
class DynatreeItem
public string title { get; set; }
public bool isFolder { get; set; }
public string key { get; set; }
public List<DynatreeItem> children;
public DynatreeItem(FileSystemInfo fsi)
title = fsi.Name;
children = new List<DynatreeItem>();
if (fsi.Attributes == FileAttributes.Directory)
isFolder = true;
foreach (FileSystemInfo f in (fsi as DirectoryInfo).GetFileSystemInfos())
children.Add(new DynatreeItem(f));
isFolder = false;
key = title.Replace(" ", "").ToLower();
public string DynatreeToJson()
return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this, Formatting.Indented);
The method "DynatreeToJson" return a string formatted in Json as Dynatree waits for it. This is an example to use the DynatreeItem class :
DynatreeItem di = new DynatreeItem(new DirectoryInfo(@"....Directory path...."));
string result = "[" + di.DynatreeToJson() + "]";