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Ruby on Rails custom update action

I want to update member_id, which triggers update of :location_stock.

I have got these custom actions in costumes_and_cost_records_controller.rb:

def rent
    @costumes_and_cost_record = CostumesAndCostRecord.find(params[:costumes_and_cost_record_id])

def rent_method
    @costumes_and_cost_record = CostumesAndCostRecord.find(params[:costumes_and_cost_record_id])
    @costumes_and_cost_record.update_attributes(:member_id => params.permit(:member_id), :location_stock => true)

    redirect_to @costumes_and_cost_record

I used simple form in view rent.html.erb:

<%= simple_form_for @costumes_and_cost_record do |f| %>
    <%= f.association :member, :label => "Member", label_method: :to_s, value_method: :member_id, include_blank: true %>

    <%= f.submit "Rent", :controller => :costumes_and_cost_records, :action => :rent_method, :method => :put, :member_id => :member %> <%# updates only member_id, doesnt update :location_stock %>
    <%# link_to "Rent", :controller => :costumes_and_cost_records, :action => :rent_method, :method => :put, :member_id => :member_id %> <%# updates :location_stock, sets member_id = NULL %>
<% end %>

Now if I use submit button :member_id updates but controller doesn't update :location_stock.

If I use link_to :location_stock updates, but :member_id is set to NULL.

I want to update both attributes. Should I use submit button or link_to and how to fix this issue?

I set routes.rb to make both link_to and submit methods in view work:

resources :costumes_and_cost_records do
    post 'show'
    get 'rent'
    get 'rent_method'

Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • If I understand you correctly you need to call rent_method to update member_id

    1. Routes changes put 'rent_method'
    2. View changes

      <%= simple_form_for @costumes_and_cost_record, method: :put, url: [@costumes_and_cost_record, :rent_method] do |f| %>
        <%= f.association :member, :label => "Member", label_method: :to_s, value_method: :member_id, include_blank: true %>
        <%= f.submit "Rent" %> 
      <% end %>
    3. Controller

      def rent_method
        @costumes_and_cost_record = CostumesAndCostRecord.find(params[:costumes_and_cost_record_id])
        @costumes_and_cost_record.update_attributes(:member_id => member_params[:member_id], :location_stock => true)
        redirect_to @costumes_and_cost_record
      def member_params