Based on this example:
I tried to use a parent in a FOSRestBundle implementation. The problem however is that it seems that the parent attribute is not recognized or not supported any more. Any advise?
type: rest
parent: bla_rest_api_User
resource: Bla\RestUserBundle\Controller\LocationController
Cannot import resource "C:\xampp\htdocs\EntisServer\src\VSmart\RestUserBund
le/Resources/config/routing.yml" from "C:/xampp/htdocs/EntisServer/app/conf
ig\routing.yml". (The routing file "C:\xampp\htdocs\EntisServer\src\VSmart\
RestUserBundle/Resources/config/routing_generated.yml" contains unsupported
keys for "v_smart_rest_api_Location": "parent". Expected one of: "resource
", "type", "prefix", "pattern", "path", "host", "schemes", "methods", "defa
ults", "requirements", "options", "condition".)
I vaguely remember something about the resource linking to the file that contains these resources needing to be of type rest (so the link your VSmartRestUserBundle:routing resources in app/config/routing.yml would need to have the type rest).
I may be wrong though, I didn't really use the parent feature.
In fact it is stated here.
Notice parent: users option in the second case.
This option specifies that the comments resource is child of the users resource.
It is also necessary to add type: rest to the routing.yml file:
# app/config/routing.yml
type: rest
resource: "@AcmeHelloBundle/Resources/config/users_routes.yml"