I have a view which renders a block of text through RedCloth and I would want to add some variables to that text, f.ex. through ruby string interpolation.
Is this in any way possible?
I am assuming you use redcloth, so your users/editors will enter text, but they will be given a few keywords they can enter and which will be filled in at render time. For example something like author, date, ...
but of course I have no idea what your website is for.
The cleanest delayed string interpolation is to use the %
Some nonsense example for demonstration purposes only :
some_text = "flap %{cookie} some more %{action} NOW!"
filled_in_text = some_text % {cookie: 'banana', action: 'eating' }
So you will retrieve some_text
from the database (model), what the user/editor typed, and then interpolate using the %
and a hash of possible (supported values). The result you just hand to redcloth.