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Have to provide path to, can't find it

I'm trying to install SublimeLinter-pylint into my Sublime Text 3. It tells me to follow instructions because it (presumably) can't find (I tried installing Pylinter before this and that went down the drain so I'm assuming it's the same problem).

I've already looked at the other answers to similar questions and they don't apply to me.

One says to use SublimeLinter, which I'm doing. I have it installed and the PHP/JS linters I have installed on top of it are working just fine.

Then it says to install pylint (duh) which I've already done using pip. For reference, pylint --version in Terminal prints:

No config file found, using default configuration
pylint 1.2.1, 
astroid 1.1.1, common 0.62.0
Python 3.4.1 (v3.4.1:c0e311e010fc, May 18 2014, 00:54:21) 
[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)]

So I'm a bit lost. Right now when I tried installing SublimeLinter via Package Control, it told me to follow installation instructions here. This tells me I have to follow the instructions provided here. I've done as told, and 'hash - r which pylint' just prints nothing. No path, no error, no "module not found", just blank. 'hash - r which asdfjkl' will give an error, though, so that's working as far as I can tell and pylint is also working, as I verified with a python file.

Never has anything relating to ST3 been so confusing and annoying; I've pretty much given up on this and will proceed without a linter (it's python so at least debugging isn't that bad).

Any suggestions?


  • I think you just need to type

    which pylint

    You should see something like


    not sure what hash -r is supposed to do