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Has anyone created a Label, Divider, or Instructions FieldType for Umbraco Contour?

I am surprised there isn't an Umbraco Contour field out-of-the-box that lets form editors write RichText or at least plain text instructions in-between the form fields, so that form authors can add more detailed instructions scattered throughout a form.

Does anyone know if this exists?

I found this suggestion in 2011:

My first attempt, I put together a custom field for Contour 3.0.21 and Umbraco 7.1.x, but I am not too keen on how the form results table now has an empty column. Instead, I would prefer that the content is placed in the form without creating a column in the result table, and also without emailing an empty field in the "Send Email" workflow email.


  • Have you tried taking a look at the Contour Contrib project for Contour?

    There is a Label fieldtype there that I believe does what you're looking for. If it does, you can get the source for that project and use that to create more field types that meet your needs. I hope that helps!