I am using Rails 4.1.4, Mongoid 4.0 and ruby 2.1.2p95. From my controller index that always returns undefined method `to_sym' for nil:NilClass. There are records in the database and from rails console, running thesame command @email_templates = EmailTemplate.all.to_a returns all the record in the database.
This is the controller index
class EmailTemplatesController < ApplicationController
def index
@email_templates = EmailTemplate.all.to_a
A shortened version of the Model
class EmailTemplate
include Mongoid::Document
field :name, type: String
field :subject, type: String
field :from, type: String
field :to, type: String
field :body, type: String
field :template, type: BSON::Binary
Why is this @email_templates = EmailTemplate.all.to_a working in rails console but returning error when called from the controller's index action.
It turned out the problem was in my mongoid.yml not properly picking the database settings passed in via rails 4.1 secrets.yml file.
so instead of this in my config/secrets.yml file
default: &mongodb
mongodb_host: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_HOST'] %>
mongodb_host_port: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_HOST_PORT'] %>
mongodb_database: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_DATABASE'] %>
mongodb_db_username: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_DB_USER'] %>
mongodb_db_passowrd: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_DB_PASSWORD'] %>
secret_key_base: xxxxxxxxyyyy
<<: *mongodb
we have this, with the database settings keys prefixed with symbol in config/secrets.yml file like this:
default: &mongodb
:mongodb_host: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_HOST'] %>
:mongodb_host_port: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_HOST_PORT'] %>
:mongodb_database: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_DATABASE'] %>
:mongodb_db_username: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_DB_USER'] %>
:mongodb_db_passowrd: <%= ENV['TRG_MONGODB_DB_PASSWORD'] %>
As you can see, I was passing the config from the secrets.yml file to the mongoid.yml or database.yml file the wrong way by using.
instead of using embedded ruby like this:
<%= Rails.application.secrets.mongodb_db_username %>
The final uri in the mongoid.yml now looks like this:
uri: mongodb://<%= Rails.application.secrets.mongodb_db_username %>:<%= Rails.application.secrets.mongodb_db_password %>@<%= Rails.application.secrets.mongodb_host %>:<%= Rails.application.secrets.mongodb_host_port %>/<%= Rails.application.secrets.mongodb_database %>