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Display ReST response in Angular page from Restangular service call

I have a simple angular page:

<tr ng-repeat="client in clients">

In my angular controller i have:

$scope.clients= Restangular.all('clients').getList().$object;

I'm expecting to see the results in the page, but i do not. I tested the service call with a browser plugin, and it works fine(I get JSON back of the clients).

Any idea why this is not working?

If I change me controller to the following, I can see the values of the client:

    function(client) {
        for (var i = 0; i < client.length; i++) {
            console.log("==>: " + client[i].email + ", role: " + client[i].role);

Do I need to use this second way (with the promise) and build my own "clients" array so that it will be displayed on the angular page?


  • You can use:

        function(clients) {
        $scope.clients = clients;

    Assuming that you have email and role in your response.