So I've been trying to do a regex in Sublime text on a CSV file to find any number that doesn't have any digits before the decimal point. Basically, I need to find any combinations of ".xx or ,.xx in the document and then add a comma after. I tried attacking it from both the positive end (i.e. any .xx with , or ") and also with a negative lookbehind for .xx that does not have a digit in front of it. Nothing seems to work, but since I'm new to regex I'm sure I have the wrong syntax. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Right now I have this
which is definitely not working.
to open Search and Replace, select Regex Search (the icon with .*
Search: ([",]\.\d\d)
Replace: \1,
This would not check if there is not already a comma after the number. It just added one.
Tested in Sublime Text 3