I don't know how to tell the flash to let the swf file get connected. I used the crossdomain.xml as well but nothing have changed. here is the xml code:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<allow-access-from domain="*" />
and here is the error on the swf file when i run it from my own computer(this one solved):
SecurityError: Error #2028: Local-with-filesystem SWF file file:///*/index.swf cannot access Internet URL http://maps.googleapis.com/*.
at flash.display::Loader/_load()
at flash.display::Loader/load()
at BootstrapConfiguration/loadAddingAcceptLanguageHeaderIfAir()
at com.google.maps::ClientBootstrap/loadUrl()
at com.google.maps::ClientBootstrap/internalLoadBootstrap()
at com.google.maps::ClientBootstrap/executeNextFrameCalls()
at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch()
at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
and here is error when i run the swf file from the website:
Initialization failed: please check the API key,
swf location, version and network availability.
what should i do now!?
Try to set "-use-network=true" in compiler's options or appropriate option in your IDE. It may help.