I am attempting to use AndroidAnnotation's rest client to access a web service. I am receiving the following error:
Could not read JSON: Unexpected character ('f' (code 102)):
was expecting double-quote to start field name
How can I make the rest client log the actual response it received? I can't imagine why my web service is returning this response, but I can't debug it unless I can see the full response. Do I have to set some kind of option at the level of the Spring framework?
I would also like to see the body of the request I am sending.
Thanks for your help!
Here we see that AndroidAnnotations is a wrapper around the Spring Android RestTemplate Module. The code for the RestTemplate
is here. So we can find out which TAG is used for logging:
private static final String TAG = "RestTemplate";
Are you not able to see log entries for this TAG? Which converter / extractor are you using? Please post the call stack.
In the wiki they recommend to use a Interceptor
for logging request / response. So you could implement your own interceptor like:
public class LoggingInterceptor implements ClientHttpRequestInterceptor {
public ClientHttpResponse intercept(HttpRequest request, byte[] data, ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) throws IOException {
ClientHttpResponse response = execution.execute(request, data);
return response;
private void logRequest(HttpRequest request) {
// log it
private void logResponse(ClientHttpResponse response) {
// log it
You enable the interceptor in the @Rest
annotation (field interceptors