It seems like I cannot package for Android anymore. I'm getting the following log output during forge package android
[ INFO] Aligning apk
[ DEBUG] Running: '/Applications/android-sdk-macosx/tools/zipalign' '-v' '4' '/var/folders/yj/xppddpjx0k9dwz7z_2bndn5w0000gn/T/tmpEkVeiw' '/path-to-app/release/android/xxx-1404985008.apk'
[ ERROR] Something went wrong that we didn\'t expect:
[ ERROR] [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[ DEBUG] Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Applications/", line 106, in run
result = self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/Applications/", line 463, in package
File "/path-to-app/.template/generate_dynamic/", line 147, in package_app
File "/path-to-app/.template/generate_dynamic/", line 334, in run
self._call_with_params(task_method, task_args)
File "/path-to-app/.template/generate_dynamic/", line 293, in _call_with_params
return method(self, *params)
File "/path-to-app/.template/generate_dynamic/", line 778, in package_android
_align_apk(path_info, signed_zipf_name, output)
File "/path-to-app/.template/generate_dynamic/", line 470, in _align_apk
File "/path-to-app/.template/generate_dynamic/module_dynamic/", line 338, in run_shell
raise state.error
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I'm using command line tools on a Mac and also tried it with the Toolkit - same error. Could this have anything to do with updating the Android SDK/Tools to the latest version?
This has been fixed by in their v2.1.9 platform release.