I've gone through all the Mach-O linker error entries in stackoverflow but could not solve the issue. Please refer to the following information :
If I remove search path, it can not discover the SDK framework, so I have to add it again.
Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
"std::string::find_last_of(char const*, unsigned long) const", referenced from:
talk_base::Pathname::SetPathname(std::string const&) in ACBClientSDK(pathutils.o)
talk_base::Pathname::folder_name() const in ACBClientSDK(pathutils.o)
talk_base::Pathname::parent_folder() const in ACBClientSDK(pathutils.o)
"std::string::find_last_of(char, unsigned long) const", referenced from:
buzz::SuggestPrefix(std::string const&) in ACBClientSDK(xmlnsstack.o)
"std::string::find_first_of(char const*, unsigned long) const", referenced from:
webrtc::DtmfSender::DoInsertDtmf() in ACBClientSDK(dtmfsender.o)
talk_base::Pathname::SetBasename(std::string const&) in ACBClientSDK(pathutils.o)
talk_base::Pathname::SetExtension(std::string const&) in ACBClientSDK(pathutils.o)
buzz::XmlPrinterImpl::PrintQuotedValue(std::string const&) in ACBClientSDK(xmlprinter.o)
buzz::XmlPrinterImpl::PrintBodyText(std::string const&) in ACBClientSDK(xmlprinter.o)
"std::string::find_first_of(char, unsigned long) const", referenced from:
talk_base::Pathname::SetExtension(std::string const&) in ACBClientSDK(pathutils.o)
"std::string::find_last_not_of(char const*, unsigned long) const", referenced from:
talk_base::string_trim(std::string const&) in ACBClientSDK(stringutils.o)
"std::string::find_first_not_of(char const*, unsigned long) const", referenced from:
talk_base::string_trim(std::string const&) in ACBClientSDK(stringutils.o)
How can I solve the issue? Looking forward to your responses! Thanks in advance!
I just had the exact same problem trying to setup a new CafeX project. I followed the documentation exactly and was faced with 87 linker errors when I tried to build. I fixed this by adding libstdc++.6.dylib which I noticed was in there sample app but not mentioned in the docs.