I'm trying to write a JScript function that accepts variable number of arguments that can be executed by cscript.exe. According to Microsoft documentation here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7yy9shf1(v=vs.90).aspx last function parameter can be an array, but it has to be typed array. Tried this and cscript.exe complained about syntax error near ":".
Then I tried simpler example with just one typed argument:
<job id="Test">
<script language="JScript">
// Declare a function that takes an int and returns a String.
function Ordinal(num : int) : String{
switch(num % 10) {
case 1: return num + "st";
case 2: return num + "nd";
case 3: return num + "rd";
default: return num + "th";
// Test the function.
I Saved it as "test.wsf" executed with :
cscript.exe //NoLogo test.wsf
Still got the same error. Is cscript.exe not able to use typed arguments (And variable arguments functions)?
(Plain) JScript executed by the C/WScript.exe hosts is (very) weakly typed. In particular, it does not support typed arguments (as it's cousin JScript.NET does). See JScript functions.