I am trying to loop through an array and print HTML.
$categories = array('Hardware', 'Software', 'Game Items', 'Game Accounts');
Some HTML goes here. I just wanted the array at the top of the page for easy edit.
foreach($categories as $category){
echo "<option value=\"Hardware\"{$GLOBALS['filters_set']['trdfcat']['selected']['\" . $category . \"']}>\" . $category . \"</option>\""
I am having a hard time trying to get the syntax right on this echo part. Some reason wont echo right which I think it is because of the parentheses.
The original HTML code is
<option value="Hardware"{$GLOBALS['filters_set']['trdfcat']['selected']['Hardware']}>Hardware</option>
It has to echo just like this.
It looks like you have some syntax errors with the quotation marks. Try concatenating the variables:
echo "<option value='Hardware" . $GLOBALS['filters_set']['trdfcat']['selected'][$category] . "'>$category</option>";
If you really want to interpolate:
echo "<option value='Hardware{$GLOBALS['filters_set']['trdfcat']['selected'][$category]}'>$category</option>";
You can also split things up if it makes it easier:
echo "<option value='Hardware";
echo $GLOBALS['filters_set']['trdfcat']['selected'][$category];
echo "'>$category</option>";