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Aether, get artifact from local repo

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It works perfectly when I need to get an artifact from remote repo. Unfotunately, I can't find a way to force aether to get artifact from local repo.

It prints to console:

2014-07-21 18:11:40 ERROR MethodValidator.error: - JSR-303 validator failed to initialize: Unable to create a Configuration, because no Bean Validation provider could be found. Add a provider like Hibernate Validator (RI) to your classpath. (see
2014-07-21 18:11:40 INFO - jcabi-aspects 0.7.22/fd7496f started new daemon thread jcabi-loggable for watching of @Loggable annotated methods
2014-07-21 18:11:41 WARN  LogTransferListener.warn: - #transferFailed('GET FAILED https://my.remote.repo/nexus/cont..243..tory-uploader-1.0.0-${revision.suffix}.pom'): in 29µs
2014-07-21 18:11:41 WARN  LogTransferListener.warn: - #transferFailed('GET FAILED${revision.suffix}.pom'): in 21µs
2014-07-21 18:11:41 ERROR Aether.error: - #resolve(, 'runtime', org.sonatype.aether.util.filter.ScopeDependencyFilter@9076fc75): thrown org.sonatype.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException(failed to load ' (runtime)' from ["shared-nexus (https://my.remote.repo/nexus/content/groups/all-repos/, releases+snapshots) with kyc.developer", "central (, releases) without authentication"] into /home/ssa/.m2/repository) out of com.jcabi.aether.Aether#fetch[198] in 166ms
2014-07-21 18:11:41 ERROR Aether.error: - #resolve(, 'runtime'): thrown org.sonatype.aether.resolution.DependencyResolutionException(failed to load ' (runtime)' from ["shared-nexus (https://my.remote.repo/nexus/content/groups/all-repos/, releases+snapshots) with kyc.developer", "central (, releases) without authentication"] into /home/ssa/.m2/repository) out of com.jcabi.aether.Aether#fetch[

artifact is in local repo, but aether fails to find it... what do I do wrong?

My code: List remoteRepos, File localRepoRoot are "injected" from maven plugin. This class is used from maven-plugin.

MavenHelperAether(List<RemoteRepository> remoteRepos, File localRepoRoot) {
        this.remoteRepos = remoteRepos
        this.localRepoRoot = localRepoRoot

     * Resolves artifact using artifact coordinates
     * @param artifactCoords is an artifact you need
     * @param remoteLookup is ignored. It's a part of backward compatibility.
     * @return {@link File} pointing to artifact
     * */
    public File resolveArtifact(String artifactCoords, boolean remoteLookup = false){
        LOG.debug("resolving artifact $artifactCoords ... using localRepo[$localRepoRoot.absolutePath] and remoteRepos [$remoteRepos]")

        def aether = new Aether(remoteRepos, localRepoRoot)
        def artifact = new DefaultArtifact(artifactCoords)
        Collection<Artifact> deps = []
            deps = resolveInRemoteRepositories(aether, artifact)
            LOG.debug("Resolved artifact path ${deps.iterator().next().file.absolutePath }")
            return deps.iterator().next().file
        catch (DependencyResolutionException | IllegalArgumentException e){
            LOG.warn("Can't fetch $artifact from remote repos. Falling back to local repository...", e)
            def localArtifact = resolveInLocalRepo(artifact)
                return  localArtifact;
                throw new InstallerException("Can't locate artifact [$artifact] in local repo using path [$localArtifact.absolutePath]")

    private Collection<Artifact> resolveInRemoteRepositories(Aether aether, DefaultArtifact artifact){
        LOG.debug("Trying to resolve $artifact in remote repositories...")

    private  File resolveInLocalRepo(DefaultArtifact artifact){
        LOG.debug("Trying to resolve $artifact in local repository...")
        def localRepoManager = new SimpleLocalRepositoryManager(localRepoRoot)
        new File(localRepoManager.getPathForArtifact(artifact, true))


  • I can't say is it good or bad, but I've used this code, it works:

     private  File resolveInLocalRepo(DefaultArtifact artifact){
            LOG.debug("Trying to resolve $artifact in local repository...")
            def localRepoManager = new SimpleLocalRepositoryManager(localRepoRoot)
            def pathToLocalArtifact = localRepoManager.getPathForLocalArtifact(artifact)
            LOG.debug("pathToLocalArtifact: [$pathToLocalArtifact]")
            new File("$localRepoRoot.absolutePath/$pathToLocalArtifact")

    localRepoRoot is a file pointing to the root of local repo.