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I am trying to implement Pocketsphinx running uClinux, but I keep getting "Phone is missing in acoustic model" errors

I am trying to run Pocketsphinx on a microcontroller running uClinux, I have installed pocketsphinx on the controller, but I keep getting several different errors regarding acoustic models and definitions. The current one I am facing is:

"Phone ... is missing in the acoustic model"

Replace the ... with every possible phonetic combination. It starts off with A, then AE, then progresses to B etc.

I am trying to take a .wav file as input, and so this is the command I am using to run the software:

pocketsphinx_continuous -hmm /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/hmm/en/tidigits/ -lm /usr/share/pocketsphinx/model/lm/en/tidigits.DMP -infile 1.wav -samprate 8000 -dict cmu07a.dic

Has anyone encountered this issue? if so, do you know a way to resolve it?


  • For tidigits model there is a special dictionary tidigits.dic in pocketsphinx/model/lm/en/tidigits.dic, you need to use with -dict option instead of cmu07a.dicin your command line.