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Cordova/Phonegap: Can't get Facebook Phonegap plugin to work

I tried creating a Cordova/Phonegap app and adding the Facebook plugin, but alert(typeof facebookConnectPlugin); shows undefined:

sudo npm install -g cordova
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
cd hello
cordova platform add ios
cordova -d plugin add --variable APP_ID="1415347585409217" --variable APP_NAME="Test"
vi www/index.html  # Add: alert(typeof facebookConnectPlugin); to the last <script>
cordova emulate ios

Expected: The emulator shows "Object" in the alert dialog.

Actual: The emulator shows "undefined" in the alert dialog.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?

UPDATE: Thanks to Devgeeks for his answer below.

Here are a couple of other things I needed to do to get it working:

1) Install the newer "develop" branch of the plugin:

cordova -d plugin add "" --variable APP_ID="1415347585409217" --variable APP_NAME="Test"

2) Add the following below the opening tag:

<!-- fb-root is needed by the FB API. -->
<div id="fb-root"></div>

3) If you want FB login to work in the browser (for testing), copy www/js/facebookConnectPlugin.js into your app. Then include it before the closing tag:

<script src="facebookConnectPlugin.js"></script>

Then add the following to your section:

  window.fbAsyncInit = function () {
      if (!window.cordova) {
        // Initialize - only executed when testing in the browser.

If you get "Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the App's domains.", edit facebookConnectPlugin.js and change sdk.js to sdk/debug.js .

4) If you get the following while building the app for Android:

sdk.dir is missing. Make sure to generate using 'android update project' or to inject it through an env var

try running the following (from Issue 432):

cp platforms/android/ platforms/android/FacebookLib


  • Add: alert(typeof facebookConnectPlugin); to the last <script>

    That is behaving as expected, believe it or not.

    Plugins are not available till the deviceready event has fired:

    Try checking for the facebookConnectPlugin in the onDeviceReady of the generated www/js/index.js instead of an immediately fired tag?