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subtract decimal degrees (longitude readings) in php

In PHP, how to subtract $Longitude_1 = 72.8790721063599 from $Longitude_2 = 82.22? These are decimal degree values from Google geocoding.

I need to find the difference and convert it into time.

The time value comes close to 40 minutes as I know in this case.

Also, 1 Degree = 4 mins and not 60 mins when it comes to time differences from longitudinal positions. So if I have the coordinate difference in degrees, I can convert the same to time units. It is to get to the Local Mean Time at the concerned longitude!


  • Addressing what I see to be your core questions here:

    Well, how do you get the difference of values which are in DD format?

    $Longitude_2 = 82.22;
    $Longitude_1 = 72.8790721063599;
    //get the difference
    $diff = $Longitude_2 - $Longitude_1; //9.3409278936401

    and then convert the values to Degrees so that time can be obtained in the end.

    Your answer, stored in $diff, is already in decimal degrees, so there's nothing to convert. Per your source, 1 degree = 4 minutes time, so simply multiply:

    //get the time value
    $diff_time = $diff * 4; //37.3637115745604

    So, the actual time value is close to 37 minutes for your particular case.