when cordova webView
is resized due to orieantation change, there is a moment, in which webView do not cover entire screen area. That is understandable, also user expecting that. But my application have black background, and background of app, which is not covered by webView
in the moment have white color and this looks ugly.
There are photo of this problem. It's end of rotation animation, moment before white rectangle disappear. (It is truly moment [a few hundred of miliseconds], so I had to take a photo :-) )
What I tried:
in onCreate
method of activity after init to appView
, super.root
and getWindow().getDecorView()
I really don't know how to get rid of this white shine. :-)
Note: This issue occurs on Android 2.3 and 4.0. Android 4.1 and up does not have this problem.
I did error somewhere, because appView.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK)
(appView is Cordova webView) works. But that, the BackgroundColor doesn't do this for you, is bug in Cordova and is now fixed in the next Cordova version (3.6). CB-7159