I load source into compiler with askReload, and then i try to call askTypeCompletion after . (dot). Completion in first case (method with 2 arguments) is not working, but completion in method call with one arg works as expected.
val list = Seq(1,2)
def add(x: Int, y: Int): Int = x + y
def minusOne(x: Int) = x - 1
add(list.<completion is not working)
minusOne(list.<works fine>)
what's interesting is if i have code:
implicit class OptionW[T](opt: Option[T]) {
def cata[A](some: T => A, none: A) = opt.map(some) getOrElse none
Option("").cata(x => x.<not working>)
completion after dot is not working again, but if i type comma after dot and then try again to complete after dot, it works: Option("").cata(x => x.<works!>,)
Is it some bug or expected behaviour?
I've prototyped a change to the compiler to be more fault tolerant of missing arguments.
Rather than simply bailing out with the "not enough arguments" error, we can also typecheck the given arguments if we have resolved to a single (non-overloaded) method. We need to typecheck the argument x => x....
using the parameter type as the expected type in order to infer the lambda parameter type, and in turn to offer completions.
I've lodged this as an enhancement: https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-8739