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Why is this working? (template friend function with template class with different arguments)

I have a matrix class:

template <typename T, const int N, const int M>
class TMatrixNxM
    friend TMatrixNxM operator*(const TMatrixNxM&, const TMatrixNxM&);

Now, in maths, multiplying an NxM matrix with MxP matrix returns NxP matrix. So, I needed an operator that returns an NxP matrix, and takes an NxM and MxP matrices as arguments, like so:

template <typename T, const int N, const int M, const int P>
TMatrixNxM<T, N, P> operator*(const TMatrixNxM<T, N, M> &par_value1, const TMatrixNxM<T, M, P> &par_value2)
    TMatrixNxM<T, N, P> result;

    (...) //Calculate

    return result;

When I test it:

TMatrixNxM<float, 2, 3> m1;
(...) //Set the values

TMatrixNxM<float, 3, 4> m2;
(...) //Set the values

TMatrixNxM<float, 2, 4> m3 = m1 * m2;

m1.print(); //Matrix class has a print function for testing

It works just like that. How and why exactly does this work? The overloadad operator takes an extra template argument, while the class takes only 3, and in the declaration I didn't specify anything. If I declare it like this, however:

template <typename T, const int N, const int M>
class TMatrixNxM
    template<typename T, const int N, const int M, const int P> friend TMatrixNxM<N, P> operator*(const TMatrixNxM<N, M>&, const TMatrixNxM<M, P>&);

Then compiler complains that there are too few template arguments. I hope I'm not missing something obvious here.



I see now that the "too few argument" complaint is aimed at the fact that I didn't include T too. Should have been TMatrixNxM< T, N, P >, etc.


  • Two things:

    1) The compiler understands the difference between the template arguments to a class, and the template arguments to a function. You can have a class with 3 template arguments, and a function with 4.

    So when you declare:

    template <typename T, const int N, const int M, const int P>
    TMatrixNxM<T, N, P> operator*(const TMatrixNxM<T, N, M> &par_value1, constXX TMatrixNxM<T, M, P> &par_value2)

    you have defined a function that takes 4 template arguments. Then, when the compiler sees:

    TMatrixNxM<float, 2, 4> m3 = m1 * m2;

    the compiler deduces the 4 template arguments: T, N, M, and P. It deduces T = float, N = 2, M = 4, and P = comes from the third template argument of par_value2.

    Also note that the template argument names for the function don't have to be the same as the template argument names on the class:

    template <typename FOO, const int BAR, const int BAZ, const int QUX>
    TMatrixNxM<FOO, BAR, QUX> operator*(const TMatrixNxM<FOO, BAR, BAZ> &par_value1, const TMatrixNxM<FOO, BAR, QUX> &par_value2)

    2) In your second example, you are indeed missing a template argument. You are trying to return a TMatrixNxM but TMatrixNxM requires 3 arguments. It looks like it would work if you changed the return type to TMatrixNxM... which is what you did in the first part.