How is it done? What steps do I need to take and what pitfalls and gotchas are there to consider?
I've gotten this to work, thanks to some inside help over at the Apple Devforums, you should sign up if you're a dedicated IPhone developer.
First thing's first, it's __asm__(), not plain asm().
Secondly, by default, XCode generates a compilation target that compiles inline assembly against the ARM Thumb instruction set, so usat wasn't recognized as a proper instruction. To fix this, do "Get Info" on the Target. Scroll down to the section "GCC 4.0 - Code Generation" and uncheck "Compile for Thumb". Then this following snippet will compile just fine if you set the Active SDK to "Device"
inline int asm_saturate_to_255 (int a) {
int y;
__asm__("usat %0, #8, %1\n\t" : "=r"(y) : "r"(a));
return y;
Naturally, now it won't work with the IPhone Simulator. But TargetConditionals.h has defines you can #ifdef against. Namely TARGET_OS_IPHONE and TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR.