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Render partial in different controller

I have a Orders controller and in my New.html.haml controller view I'm trying to render the _form partial for address

order new.html.haml

= render "/addresses/form"

address _form.html.haml

= form_for @address do |f|
  - if @address.errors.any?
    %h2= "#{pluralize(@address.errors.count, "error")} prohibited this address from being saved:"
      - @address.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
        %li= msg


   # All the form fields

    = f.submit 'Save'

I've been getting the error

First argument in form cannot contain nil or be empty

What would be the best way to fix this? I though of creating a partial just for that but I don't think creating another form partial would be in compliance to DRY.

Thanks a lot in advance


  • The reason for this error is that @address is nil To fix you need to instantiate in the controller

    # orders_controller.rb
    def new
      @address =
    def edit
      @address = Address.find params[:id]