include <stdio.h>
class Base
int foo;
int get_foo() { return foo; }
class Derived : public Base
void bar()
int Base::* i = &Base::foo;
this->*i = 7;
printf("foo is %d\n", get_foo());
int main()
Derived d;;
I don't understand why my derived type can't make a pointer to the protected member of the base class. It has privilege to access the member. It can call the similarly scoped function. Why can't it make a member pointer? I'm using gcc 4.1.2 and I get this error: In member function ‘void Derived::bar()’: error: ‘int Base::foo’ is protected error: within this context
By trial and error I found a solution that makes some sense. Even if it is a base class inherited member that you are pointing to, the pointer should still be a member pointer of the Derived class. So, the following code works:
include <stdio.h>
class Base
int foo;
int get_foo() { return foo; }
class Derived : public Base
void bar()
int Derived::* i = &Derived::foo;
this->*i = 7;
printf("foo is %d\n", get_foo());
int main()
Derived d;;
If Base's members are scoped as private then you get the expected lack of access error.