Ok, so I currently have an iOS app that mixes iOS user interface elements and Cocos2d-x (Cocos2d C++).
I got a rough port working for Android with Java/JNI when I stumbled across Xamarin and their Visual Studio plugin. Their documentation mentions that C++ code can be used along with it, but I'm failing to find any example Xamarin projects that demonstrate this functionality.
Does Xamarin support adding C++ source to their Visual Studio projects? And, if so, does it allow for seamless compilation and debugging of that source along with the C#?
Also, are there any examples of this functionality?
Essentially I would love to use the portability of Xamarin C# User Interface stuff, along with the ton of C++ Cocos2d-x code I already have written.
Please respond with questions if I am being unclear.
Researching this in 2014: