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c#asp.netgridviewitemplate create Gridview item template dynamically with button click 4.0 forms.

I need to create a Gridview Dynamically with a button linked to the table ID Key.

So I set up the Gridview and start adding columns:

   private void SetupGV()

        { //0
            TemplateField tf = new TemplateField();
            tf.HeaderText = "X";

            tf.ItemTemplate = new AddToItemTemplate();

            BoundField b = new BoundField();
            b.DataField = "FullName";
            b.HeaderText = @"Staff / Role";


then I create the ITemplate AddToItemTemplate:

    public class AddToItemTemplate : ITemplate

        public AddToItemTemplate(){}

        public void InstantiateIn(Control container)

            ImageButton ib = new ImageButton();
            ib.ImageUrl = "~/Content/CIDimg/action4.gif";
            ib.Command += ib_Command;
            ib.CommandName = "delete";


        void ib_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
            string s = e.CommandArgument.ToString();



I collect my ID in GV_RowDataBound and set it in the image button command argument no problem there.

It all works fine but the method ib_Command is Static as it is part of the ITemplate. I cannot access any page control nor any page instance variables.

Is there a way to link the button (ib.command +=) to any of the page methods like it is done with the "oncommand" tag when gridviews are created in ASPX markup file?


  • Based on your code, and comments, you are trying to add an image button column to the Gridview. For this you do not need to create a new Template. Instead you can add ButtonField as below

    ButtonField buttonField = new ButtonField();
    buttonField.ButtonType = ButtonType.Image;
    buttonField.ImageUrl = "~/Images/bullet.png";
    buttonField.CommandName = "delete";

    Now in on the RowCommand event of the gridview you can perform the required actions

    protected void GV_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
       if (e.CommandName=="delete")