I am working on a python/fortran interface using f2py. My fortran code has some subroutines whose list of arguments are longer than one line, so I have used the standard fortran rule to break a line, i.e.:
SUBROUTINE mutation(it,pop,pm,pmg,typem,xmin,xmax,newfx,nbvar,
When I try to build the python module with f2py, using the command :
f2py3 -c forFunct.f -m mga
I get this :
Block: unknown_subroutine
Constructing wrapper function "unknown_subroutine"...
and eventually
error: Command "gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-
prototypes -fPIC -I/tmp/tmp1tw75l/src.linux-x86_64-3.3
packages/numpy/core/include -
I/Produits/publics/x86_64.Linux.RH6/python/3.3.3/include/python3.3m -c
/tmp/tmp1tw75l/src.linux-x86_64-3.3/mgamodule.c -o
failed with exit status 1
Do you know any solution to this problem? I am sure that it comes from the multiple lines arguments, is it supported by f2py?
Thank you
How exactly do you break the lines? It is not clear from your snippet, but it looks like it is wrong. If I do it in the real standard way, with positioning any character in the 6th column, it works.
SUBROUTINE mutation(it,pop,pm,pmg,typem,xmin,xmax,newfx,nbvar,
$ popsize,tip,nouvpop,nbnew)