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countdown in swift and spritekit

I'm trying to put a countDown on my application. I'm using a SKLabelNode. This is my code :

class PlayScene: SKScene {
    var startCount = true
    var setTime = 0
    var myTime = 0
    var printTime = SKLabelNode(fontNamed: "arial")
    override func didMoveToView(view: SKView!) {
        self.backgroundColor = UIColor(hex: 0xD64541)
        self.printTime.text = NSString(format: "%i", self.myTime)
    override func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
        if self.startCount == true {
            self.setTime = Int(currentTime)
            self.startCount = false
        self.myTime = Int(currentTime) - self.setTime

I had no problem to compile it but it's crashing at the execution... I think that's coming from my convertion in string..

Thank you


  • float  timeforFunction;
       int numberoftime;
       int __totalscore;
        SKAction *updateTime= [SKAction sequence:@[
                                                   [SKAction waitForDuration: timeforFunction],
                                                   [SKAction performSelector:@selector(updatescore)
        [self runAction:[SKAction repeatAction:updateTime count: numberoftime] withKey:@"zorbTime"];
       -(void) updatescore
       _GamescoreText.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@“%i”, __totalscore];

    if you wanna repeat this action forever just change to

    [self runAction:[SKAction repeatAction:updateTime count: numberoftime] withKey:@"zorbTime"];