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Maven Home in Ubuntu

I am trying to find the Maven home or the $M2_HOME variable in my machine but I am unable to find it. I am a Maven newbie btw I am on Ubuntu 12.04 I installed maven using

sudo apt-get install maven2

Now I am specifically interested in Maven 2 not 3. Now I am using Spring Tool Suite and the m2e plugin that comes along with it uses Maven 3. I went to Windows->Preferences->Maven->Installation and tried to add the maven home but cannot find it.

What I tried till now

whereis mvn


/usr/bin/mvn /usr/bin/X11/mvn /usr/share/man/man1/mvn.1.gz

None of these are the home variables

echo $M2_HOME

displays nothing. Simply blank. How do I make the m2e plugin to pint towards maven2?


  • found the answer /usr/share/maven2