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Prevent exposing Laravel usage

I use Wappalyzer add-on on chrome and recently it started finding out about the usage of Laravel framework on my projects.

how does it know about this and how can I hide this?

I think it may be because of one of the cookie's name that Laravel sets automatically, but have no idea how can I change it's name.

Cookie Name: laravel_session

EDIT: thanks to David's answer I could change cookie's name but it still tracks Laravel, so it shouldn't be the way Wappalyzer finds out about Laravel.

EDIT2: I've created a new controller and it didn't detect the framework! It seems that Wappalyzer caches the results for each URL!


  • It's probably the laravel cookie. It has a distinguishing feature in it's name 'laravel_session'. It would certainly explain where it gets the usage stats from. You can change the name of the cookie in app/config/session.php.


    So Wappalyzer uses json to specify what it should be looking for. This is how it identifies Laravel:

    "Laravel": {
        "website": "",
        "cats": [ 18 ],
        "headers": { "Set-Cookie": "laravel_session" },
        "implies": "PHP"

    It uses the headers property to identify what's going on. This would imply it does use the cookie name only...

    For the complete list of app tracking rules, they're on the GitHub repo.