I just recently downloaded a ready made project and it has scss files on it too. when I tried to compile main.scss file using koala-app it gives me this error.
C:\Users\1\Desktop\agency\sass\main.scss Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable: compass/css3.
Load paths: C:/Program Files (x86)/Koala (DEPRECATED) C:/Users/1/Desktop/agency/sass on line 2 of C:\Users\1\Desktop\agency\sass\partials\_base.scss from line 4 of C:\Users\1\Desktop\agency\sass\main.scss Use --trace for backtrace.
by the way line 4 : @import "compass/css3";
I already installed:
ruby 1.9.3p545
gem 1.8.28
// all modules, general styles and variables
@import "partials/base";
@import "partials/general";
// third-party
@import "vendors/supersized";
@import "vendors/font-awesome.min";
@import "vendors/brankic-icon";
@import "vendors/flexslider";
@import "vendors/animate";
@import "vendors/jpreloader";
@import "vendors/magnific-popup";
// web elements/components
@import "partials/hero-unit";
@import "partials/about";
@import "partials/services";
@import "partials/works";
@import "partials/call-to-action";
@import "partials/team";
@import "partials/testimonial";
@import "partials/contact";
@import "partials/twitter-stream";
@import "partials/footer";
/* ------------------ BASE STYLES ------------------ */
// import compass
@import "compass/css3";
// all variables
any suggestions would really be appreciated.. thanks ( note: newbie on sass :)
what I did was create a new sass project using ruby's command prompt "compass create newproject" then transfer the files there. then it worked.. I really did not solve the problem, thought but somehow I found a way to make it work. heres the link for reference.