I'm wondering if there's any function to show the mapping of levels and values of a factor variable in R? For example I would expect an output like this:
Fac_level: "yes" - Value: "1",
Fac_level: "no" - Value: "2", etc.
That would be very helpful while working with unknown data sets for the first time.
How about this:
x <- factor(sample(LETTERS[1:10], 20, TRUE))
> x
# [1] I I I H D E I H F D J G D A F F B H I F
#Levels: A B D E F G H I J
data.frame(levels = unique(x), value = as.numeric(unique(x)))
# levels value
#1 I 8
#2 H 7
#3 D 3
#4 E 4
#5 F 5
#6 J 9
#7 G 6
#8 A 1
#9 B 2