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What algorithm does mayavi.mlab.pipeline.iso_surface.IsoSurface use?

I've been sifting through the Mayavi documentation and Google but I can't find any statement about what algorithm the IsoSurface class uses. If it helps, my source data comes from a 3D NumPy array passed to the mayavi.mlab.pipeline.scalar_field function. Here's the code for using the iso_surface function on an image containing a 3D cube:

import numpy as np
from mayavi import mlab
img = np.pad(np.ones((5,5,5)), 1, mode='constant')
src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(img, figure=False)
iso = mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, contours=0.5)

The iso_surface function generates an instance of IsoSurface. The code in mayavi\modules\ shows that mayavi.components.contour is used. The comments in mayavi\components\ state that it wraps tvtk.ContourFilter. From the code found at tvtk\\tvtk_classes\ in my local installation, I found this in the __init__ method for the ContourFilter class:

tvtk_base.TVTKBase.__init__(self, vtk.vtkContourFilter, obj, update, **traits)

Looking at the source code for vtkContourFilter and associated documentation on I don't see a reference to a publication or the name of the algorithm implemented there.


  • As you've already discovered, Mayavi's iso_surface module uses (eventually) VTK's vtkContourFilter. There are a couple of sentences in the book "Visualization Toolkit: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics, 4th Edition" (Schroeder, Martin and Lorensen) that say something about the algorithms used by vtkContourFilter. This is from p.198 of that book:

    Contouring in VTK is implemented using variations of the marching cubes algorithm presented earlier. [...] For example, the tetrahedron cell type implements "marching tetrahedron" and creates triangle primitives, while the triangle cell type implements "marching triangles" and generates line segments.

    There's also a vtkMarchingCubes filter that's specific to the case of image data (regularly spaced data on a 1d, 2d or 3d grid); the book goes on to compare execution times between vtkMarchingCubes and vtkContourFilter for a 3d volume.