Ive been looking for few weeks now on the best way to store my encryption keys when i host my application within Azure - although ive read many articles/forums etc. im still completely lost and would just like some clarification. Here is a quick overview of my application.
A user will create a group which many people can be invited to and once in a group you can then upload documents to that group so that people can view them, now what i am wanting is for every document which has been uploaded to be encrypted with AES and stored in my database.
but where do i store the IV and key while in Azure? I was thinking about setting up another database within Azure which will only store my IV/Key and maybe the DocumentId to link back to it.
Is that the best way?
My web app will be created in .NET
Sounds like a similar goal as keeping sensitive connection string secure - if so, here is a nice blog post series: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlazure/archive/2010/09/09/10059889.aspx?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SiteHome+(Microsoft+%7C+Blog+%7C+MSDN)