I'm making an AS3 platform game where the player can shoot some bullets.
When the bullet is touching an enemy, the enemy die and the bullet is removed.
I've succeed do to that but now I'd like to remove the bullet if it hit a wall and I can't figure out how to do so.
So far, here's my code for removing the bullet when touching an enemy :
public function checkCollisions() {
// enemies
for(var i:int=enemies.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
if (hero.mc.hitTestObject(enemies[i].mc)) {
// is the hero jumping down onto the enemy?
if (hero.inAir && (hero.dy > 0)) {
} else {
for (var j:int = 0; j < bulletList.length; j++) // for each bullet in the bulletList
if (enemies[i].mc.hitTestObject(bulletList[j]) )
trace("Bullet and Enemy are colliding");
I've defined my wall and floor like this :
public function examineLevel() {
fixedObjects = new Array();
otherObjects = new Array();
for(var i:int=0;i<this.gamelevel.numChildren;i++) {
var mc = this.gamelevel.getChildAt(i);
// add floors and walls to fixedObjects
if ((mc is Floor) || (mc is Wall)) {
var floorObject:Object = new Object();
floorObject.mc = mc;
floorObject.leftside = mc.x;
floorObject.rightside = mc.x+mc.width;
floorObject.topside = mc.y;
floorObject.bottomside = mc.y+mc.height;
I've tried to put this in my checkCollisions function but it's not working :
for(var k:int=0;k<fixedObjects.length;k++)
if (fixedObjects[k].hitTestObject(bulletList[j]) ){
trace("hit wall");
Do you know what do I have to put in order to remove the bullet when it's touching a wall (or floor) ?
The array fixedObjects
holds references to Object
instances. However, hitTestObject(obj)
is a public function of the DisplayObject
class, and the obj
parameter needs to be an instance of DisplayObject
If the code snippet you provided is exactly the same as what you used in your game, there should be runtime error messages generated.
Could you please verify whether this is the cause of failing to detect collision?