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Nvidia Jetson TK1 Development Board - Cuda Compute Capability

I have quite impressed with this deployment kit. Instead of buying a new CUDA card, which might require new main board and etc, this card seems provide all in one.

At it's specs it says it has CUDA compute capability 3.2. AFAIK dynamic parallelism and more comes with cm_35, cuda compute capability 3.5. Does this card support Dynamic Parallelism and HyperQ features of Kepler architecture?


  • Does this card support Dynamic Parallelism and HyperQ features of Kepler architecture?


    Jetson has compute capability 3.2. Dynamic parallelism requires compute capability 3.5 or higher. From the documentation:

    Dynamic Parallelism is only supported by devices of compute capability 3.5 and higher.

    Hyper-Q also requires cc 3.5 or greater. We can deduce this from careful study of the simpleHyperQ sample code, excerpted:

    // HyperQ is available in devices of Compute Capability 3.5 and higher
    if (deviceProp.major < 3 || (deviceProp.major == 3 && deviceProp.minor < 5))