Is there a way to special-case a ply lexer rule?
t_IDENT = r'[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*'
t_OPERATOR = r'[<>=/*+-]+'
t_DEFINE = r'='
t_PRODUCES = r'=>'
I want to define an operator as any combination of the listed characters, except that =
and =>
have their own special cases. For example:
a + b
# IDENT('a') OPERATOR('+') IDENT('b')
a ++=--> b
# IDENT('a') OPERATOR('++=-->') IDENT('b')
a == b
# IDENT('a') OPERATOR('==-->') IDENT('b')
a => b
# IDENT('a') PRODUCES('=>') IDENT('b')
a = b
# IDENT('a') DEFINE('=') IDENT('b')
a >= b
# IDENT('a') OPERATOR('>=') IDENT('b')
a <=> b
# IDENT('a') OPERATOR('<=>') IDENT('b')
I removed the automated t_DEFINE
rules and used the reserved word technique to handle the special cases:
special_operators = {'=': 'DEFINE',
'=>': 'PRODUCES'}
def t_OPERATOR(t):
t.type = special_operators.get(t.value, t.type)
return t