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ng-class remove class after set time

I'm trying to create a quick animation demo with a button that adds a class on a container to play animation using ng-click. What I want to do is to remove the applied class after a set period of time. Can you please tell me why the following code is not working :$ ?

    <!doctype html>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="script/angular.js"></script>

        .animation-container {
            display: block;
            padding: 10px;
            background: black;
            text-align: center;     }
        .animation-trigger {
            display: block;
            padding: 5px;
            background: #111;
            text-align: center;

        .box {
            display: inline-block;
            width: 150px;
            height: 150px;
            background: red;

            transition: all 1s ease;

        .reload {
            width: 150px;
            height: 150px;

        .play {
            width: 250px;
            height: 250px;

        var myApp = angular.module("myApp", []);
        myApp.controller("animationController", function($scope){
            this.trigger = 0;

            this.reset = function() { 
                setTimeout(function() { 
                    return this.trigger === 0;
                    }, 2000

<body ng-app="myApp">
<div class="animation-wrapper" ng-controller="animationController as anim">
    <div class="animation-container">
        <div class="box" ng-class="{play : anim.trigger === 1, reload : anim.trigger === 0}"></div>

    <div class="animation-trigger">
        <button ng-click="anim.trigger = 1; anim.reset()" >Play Animation</button>



  • Firstly you need to bind values to $scope:

    $scope.trigger = 0;

    You also need to use $timeout instead of setTimeout() so that bindings are updated:

    $scope.reset = function() {
            $scope.trigger = 0;
        }, 2000);

    Then you can set your button html like this for example:

    <button ng-click="trigger = 1; reset()" >Play Animation</button>