I want to start a rather big project (in the end). My tool of choice is basically ASP.NET MVC/WEB Api.
I would like to develop this in the beginning by using SQLite or SQL Developer edition.
Then when i go live i would plan to go to a shared hosting by using SQL Server 2012/2014 instance.
My target is that if everything is ok to convert to cloud and Azure.
So my plan that i would like to enhance/verify is:
Since my knowledge of AngularJS/Knockout e.t.c is lomited. I will start by using the normal Jquery/web API approach and gradually i will conver tot latest best practices and standards.
In order to get a fast start to building it i would start with a good domain class design and then head to SQLite in combination of a light ORM (Dapper) in order to have my logic up and running fast.
This post: SQl Azure offline , suggests that i could start developing for sql azure right away, but i don't know if i can afford from the beginning to go to azure.
Sql Azure is basically the same as Sql Server 2014. If you start with the free SQL Server Express edition then you will have very few problems moving to SQL Azure later, especially if you use a tool like the SQL Server Migration Wizard and pehaps setup a free Azure trial account so you can test as you go?