I have a text file with the following structure. I want to remove first part before comma and keep rest and then match them to the 2nd column and put them in individual rows.
A,B,C London
G,L,K,I Berlin
Q,O,M,J Madrid
I want a output like this:
B London
C London
L Berlin
K Berlin
I Berlin
O Madrid
M Madrid
J Madrid
This can be a way with awk:
$ awk '{n=split($1, a, ","); for (i=2; i<=n; i++) print a[i], $NF}' file
B London
C London
L Berlin
K Berlin
I Berlin
O Madrid
M Madrid
J Madrid
n=split($1, a, ",")
slices the first field into pieces based on comma as delimiter. split
returns the number of slices and we store that.for (i=2; i<=n; i++) print a[i], $NF
we then loop through all these slices, starting from the 2nd one, printing each one together with the last field (city name).