I've made a bunch of commits in the last day, installing a new extension to my Magento system.
I make these changes locally, then they are pushed to bitbucket, and then to my live/testing server.
My commits are rubbish - I need to go back to how the system was 2 days ago. How can I do that, taking into account the remote servers etc?
When I make a reset commit (hard) on sourcetree, it then wants to pull the remote server back in, as its ahead of us.
If you are sure, you can, after your local reset, do a:
git push -f
# or
git push --force
That would force the upstream repo to mirror your local history (which you reset to 2 days ago)
That is only problematic if other people have already cloned your upstream repo and were working on it (probably not the case here)
Regarding the live server, it depends on how the commits are push to it:
git push -f live
would work.