A normal UserControl looks like this in XAML:
<UserControl x:Class="mynamespace.foo" ...namespaces...>
<!-- content -->
I'd like to be able to define my own top level object, along the lines of:
<MyControl x:Class="mynamespace.mycontrol" ...namespaces...>
<!-- content -->
Where MyControl derives from a UserControl itself.
Of course the compiler complains about "MyControl" not being found. Is there a way around this?
The root tag is the base class. That's why the root of the default Window1 is Window. Using the menu option Add > UserContol... is in fact creating a sub-class for UserContol.
If you have some common elements and want a control base class you can use the base class as the root tag. You can't derive your class from any class that has a xaml defined visual tree, but your base class can derive from UserConrtol.
First define your base class:
public class MyControlBase : UserControl
// ...
Then create your specific child class:
(You can start with the automatically created UserControl1 and change it from there)
public partial class MyControl1 : MyControlBase
public MyControl1()
Then change the Xaml side to look like this:
This is a great way to make custom controls derived from built in ones other that UserControl. It is typically recommended to just use basic UserConrtols if you can and make a custom control only if you have to.
good luck,