#include <time.h>
int main()
FILE *fp1, *fp2;
int ch1, ch2;
clock_t elapsed;
char fname1[40], fname2[40];
printf("Enter name of first file:");
fgets(fname1, 40, stdin);
while ( fname1[strlen(fname1) - 1] == '\n')
fname1[strlen(fname1) -1] = '\0';
printf("Enter name of second file:");
fgets(fname2, 40, stdin);
while ( fname2[strlen(fname2) - 1] == '\n')
fname2[strlen(fname2) -1] = '\0';
fp1 = fopen(fname1, "r");
if ( fp1 == NULL )
printf("Cannot open %s for reading\n", fname1 );
fp2 = fopen( fname2, "r");
if (fp2 == NULL)
printf("Cannot open %s for reading\n", fname2);
elapsed = clock(); // get starting time
ch1 = getc(fp1); // read a value from each file
ch2 = getc(fp2);
float counter = 0.0;
float total = 0.0;
while(1) // keep reading while values are equal or not equal; only end if it reaches the end of one of the files
ch1 = getc(fp1);
ch2 = getc(fp2);
//printf("%d, %d\n", ch1, ch2);// for debugging purposes
if((ch1 ^ ch2) == 0)
if ( ( ch1 == EOF) || ( ch2 == EOF)) // if either file reaches the end, then its over!
break; // if either value is EOF
fclose (fp1); // close files
fclose (fp2);
float percent = (counter / (total)) * 100.0;
printf("Counter: %.2f Total: %.2f\n", counter, (total));
printf("Percentage: %.2f%\n", percent);
elapsed = clock() - elapsed; // elapsed time
printf("That took %.4f seconds.\n", (float)elapsed/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
return 0;
Trying to compare two .nc files that are about 1.4 GBs and these are my results:
$ gcc check2.c -w
$ ./a.out
Enter name of first
Enter name of second
Counter: 16777216.00 Total: 16777216.00
Percentage: 100.00%
That took 15.6500 seconds.
No way they are 100% identical lol, any ideas on why it seems to stop at the 16777216th byte?
The counter should be 1,256,756,880 bytes
1.3 GB (1,256,756,880 bytes)
I downloaded this climate data set here:
Thanks for your help in advance
The float
data type is only precise to 6 significant figures and is inappropriate for counter
and total
. Any floating point type would be inappropriate in any case. Ther are a number of issues with this, not least that ++
for example is an integer operator, the implicit conversion from float to int, increment, then back to float will fail for integer values with greater than 6 digits.
I assume you chose such a type because it has greater range that unsigned int perhaps? I suggest that you use unsigned long long
for these variables.
unsigned long long counter = 0;
unsigned long long total = 0;
float percent = (float)counter / (float)total * 100.0f ;