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Custom CSS with JBoss jDocBook maven plugin

I'm trying to include custom CSS file into the HTML generated by jDocBook plugin. Here is the plugin configuration:


I have a file named driver.css in my src/main/css. After build this file appears under target/docbook/publish/en-US/html alongside book.html, but it doesn't get included.

I also tried to add

<?xml-stylesheet href="driver.css" type="text/css"?>

to the book.xml, but that doesn't seem to help.

Am I missing any configuration parameters here?


  • In order to style HTML output with custom CSS one has to pass html.stylesheet=<path to css file> to the XSLT processor. To do this using JDocBook plugin, one has to add following under <configuration>:


    Shame it's not described in plugin documentation

    And just to be clear, xml-stylesheet thing is irrelevant