So I'm trying to make it so that a directive can populate a btn-group, but having problems. If I put the btn btn-default classes in the directive html, it will group properly, but the buttons are inset into other buttons. If I put the btn btn-default classes into the template (in the button tag), then it doesn't group properly.
View Definition
<search search-id='emailBox' search-name='Email Address' search-desc='Enter Email Address' search-array='[{fieldId: "searchEmailAddress", fieldDefaultText:"Email Address"}]'></search>
<search search-id='endUserBox' search-name='End User Account' search-desc='Enter Search Type, Submitter, and Account Number' search-array='[{fieldId: "searchSubId", fieldDefaultText:"Submitter ID"},{fieldId: "acctNum", fieldDefaultText:"Account"}]'></search>
Search Directive Template
<button id='{{searchId}}' class='btn btn-default' rel='popover' popover-append-to-body='true' popover-template='search{{searchId}}' popover-placement='right' popover-title="{{searchName}}">{{searchName}}</button>
<script id="search{{searchId}}" type="text/ng-template">
<form class='form-horizontal'>
<div class='control-group'>
<label class='control-label' for='{{searchId}}'></label>
<div class='controls'>
<input ng-repeat="field in fieldArray"
<input type='submit' style='height: 0px; width: 0px; border: none; padding: 0px;' hidefocus='true'/>
Directive Code
.directive('search', function(){
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'search/search.tpl.html',
scope: {
searchId: '@',
searchName: '@',
searchDesc: '@',
fieldArray: '@'
This is also a problem with ui-router based ui-view embeds that dynamically load buttons based on state.
Updated with a plunker:
First, your link to ui-bootstrap does not work and hence your popover does not work so I changed it to
<script data-require="angular-bootstrap@*" data-semver="0.11.0" src=""></script>
If you use replace=true in the directive the grouping works better but the popover does not work because of a conflict with isolated scopes.
So I changed your directive to be called as an attribute instead of as an element because it works better with boostrap in this case.
This is the directive now
.directive('search', function(){
return {
templateUrl: '/search.tpl.html',
scope: {
searchId: '@',
searchName: '@',
searchDesc: '@',
fieldArray: '@'
and the Html lools like this
<div search search-id='emailBox' class='btn-group' search-name='Email Address' search-desc='Enter Email Address' search-array='{"searchEmailAddress":{"fieldDefaultText": "Email Address"}}'></div>
<div search search-id='endUserBox' class='btn-group' search-name='End User Account' search-desc='Enter Search Type, Submitter, and Account Number' search-array='{"searchSubId":{"fieldDefaultText":"Submitter ID"},"acctNum": {"fieldDefaultText":"Account"}}'></div>
Here is a Plunker
I haven't looked at the popover functionality. A popover appears but I don't know if it contains the correct data.