I have a drools rule created via the Guvnor console and the rule validates and inserts a fact into the working memory if conditions were met. The rule is:
1. | rule "EligibilityCheck001"
2. | dialect "mvel"
3. | when
4. | Eligibility( XXX== "XXX" , YYY== "YYY" , ZZZ== "ZZZ" , BBB == "BBB" )
5. | then
6. | EligibilityInquiry fact0 = new EligibilityInquiry();
7. | fact0.setServiceName( "ABCD" );
8. | fact0.setMemberStatus( true );
9. | insert(fact0 );
10. | System.out.println( "Hello from Drools");
11. | end
Java code that executes the rule is as follows
RuleAgent ruleAgent = RuleAgent.newRuleAgent("/Guvnor.properties");
RuleBase ruleBase = ruleAgent.getRuleBase();
FactType factType = ruleBase.getFactType("mortgages.Eligibility");
Object obj = factType.newInstance();
factType.set(obj, "XXX", "XXX");
factType.set(obj, "YYY", "YYY");
factType.set(obj, "ZZZ", "XXX");
factType.set(obj, "BBB", "BBB");
WorkingMemory workingMemory = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
System.out.println("After drools execution");
long count = workingMemory.getFactCount();
System.out.println("count " + count);
Everything looks great with the output as below:
Hello from Drools
After drools execution
count 2
I cannot seem to find a way to get the EligibilityInquiry
fact object back in my Java code and get the attributes set in the rule above (serviceName
and status
). I have used the StatefulSession
The properties file has the link to the snapshot with basic authentication via username and password. There are 2 total facts: EligibilityInquiry
and Eligibility
I am fairly new to drools and any help with the above is appreciated.
(Note: I fixed the order of statement, a typo ("XX") and removed the comments from the output. Less surprise.)
This snippet assumes that EligibilityInquiry
is also declared in DRL.
FactType eligInqFactType = ruleBase.getFactType("mortgages", "EligibilityInquiry");
Class<?> eligInqClass = eligInqFactType.getFactClass();
ObjectFilter filter = new FilterByClass( eligInqClass );
Collection<Object> eligInqs = workingMemory.getObjects( filter );
And the filter is
public class FilterByClass implements ObjectFilter {
private Class<?> theClass;
public FilterByClass( Class<?> clazz ){
theClass = clazz;
public boolean accept(Object object){
return theClass.isInstance( object );
You might also use a query
, which takes about the same amount of code.
// DRL code
query "eligInqs"
eligInq : EligibilityInquiry()
// after return from fireAllRules
QueryResults results = workingMemory.getQueryResults( "eligInqs" );
for ( QueryResultsRow row : results ) {
Object eligInqObj = row.get( "eligInq" );
System.out.println( eligInqClass.cast( eligInqObj ) );
Or you can call workingMemory.getObjects()
and iterate the collection and check for the class of each object.
for( Object obj: workingMemory.getObjects() ){
if( obj.isInstance( eligInqClass ) ){
System.out.println( eligInqClass.cast( eligInqObj ) );
Or you can (with or without inserting the created EligibilityInquiry object as a fact) add the fact to a global java.util.List eligInqList
and iterate that in your Java code. Note that the API of StatefulKnowledgeSession
is required (instead of WorkingMemory
// Java - prior to fireAllRules
StatefulKnowledgeSession kSession() = ruleBase.newStatefulSession();
List<?> list = new ArrayList();
kSession.setGlobal( "eligInqList", list );
// DRL
global java.util.List eligInqList;
// in a rule
EligibilityInquiry fact0 = new EligibilityInquiry();
fact0.setServiceName( "ABCD" );
fact0.setMemberStatus( true );
insert(fact0 );
eligInqList.add( fact0 );
// after return from fireAllRules
for( Object elem: list ){
System.out.println( eligInqClass.cast( elem ) );
Probably an embarras de richesses.