Search code examples

ValidationSummary method showing validation error on initial load

When using ValidationSummary(), I am seeing a required error for Name on initial create.

I've tried both initializing Name="" in the constructor and not initializing (comes through as Name=null) - same result.

How can I get the ValidationSummary() to not display the initial error on this field?


public class Scenario
    public Int32 ID { get; set; }
    //user input
    [DisplayName("Scenario Name")]
    public String Name { get; set; }
    public Int32 LocationId { get; set; }
    //..lots more, but omitted for question length


    // GET: Scenario/Create
    public ActionResult Create(Scenario copyFrom = null)
        var vm = new EditScenarioViewModel
            scenario = copyFrom ?? new Scenario(User.Identity.Name),
        var periods = _performancePeriods.GetPeformancePeriodsHistory().ToList();
        vm.scenario.FiscalPeriodStarting = periods.ElementAt(2).PerformancePeriodID; //default is 3rd period back
        vm.scenario.FiscalPeriodEnding = periods.ElementAt(0).PerformancePeriodID;
        vm = PrepareDropdowns(vm);
        return View(vm);


  • Instead of passing the parameter use TempData:

    copyMe.ID = 0; //reset ID 
    TempData["CreateCopy"] = copyMe 
    return RedirectToAction("Create"); 

    Create() with no parameters:

    public ActionResult Create() 
      scenario = TempData["CreateCopy"] as Scenario; 
      if (scenario == null) 
        scenario = new Scenario(User.Identity.Name); 