I believe thatActiveRecord::Querying
is screwing up the translation of postgresql commands. The results are returning a different column then what I would expect. Can anybody help me figure out why?
quick_tests.id, quick_tests.status, name,
started_at, array_agg(quick_test_agents.agent_id) as quick_test_agent_ids
FROM quick_tests
JOIN quick_test_agents ON quick_tests.id = quick_test_agents.quick_test_id
GROUP BY quick_tests.id
ORDER BY quick_tests.id desc;
I am trying to paginate all QuickTests by doing this: (quick_test to quick_test_agent is one to many)
tests = QuickTest.paginate :select => 'quick_tests.id,
array_agg(quick_test_agents.agent_id) as quick_test_agent_ids',
:page => current_page,
:per_page => page_size,
:joins => :quick_test_agent,
:group => 'quick_tests.id',
Now the problem is that QuickTest.paginate is not return quick_test_agents.agent_id, it is returning quick_test_agents.id.
Looking at the log print out, it seems that it is being translated incorrectly:
QuickTest Load (57.6ms) SELECT quick_tests.id, quick_tests.name, quick_tests.status,
quick_tests.started_at, array_agg(quick_test_agents.agent_id) as quick_test_agent_ids FROM "quick_tests" INNER JOIN "quick_test_agents" ON "quick_test_agents"."quick_test_id" = "quick_tests"."id"
DEBUG SQL (70.2ms) SELECT "quick_test_agents".id FROM "quick_test_agents" WHERE "quick_test_agents"."quick_test_id" = 889
DEBUG SQL (66.4ms) SELECT "quick_test_agents".id FROM "quick_test_agents" WHERE "quick_test_agents"."quick_test_id" = 885
DEBUG SQL (58.3ms) SELECT "quick_test_agents".id FROM "quick_test_agents" WHERE "quick_test_agents"."quick_test_id" = 883
DEBUG SQL (56.5ms) SELECT "quick_test_agents".id FROM "quick_test_agents" WHERE "quick_test_agents"."quick_test_id" = 882
DEBUG SQL (52.4ms) SELECT "quick_test_agents".id FROM "quick_test_agents" WHERE "quick_test_agents"."quick_test_id" = 881
DEBUG SQL (54.6ms) SELECT "quick_test_agents".id FROM "quick_test_agents" WHERE "quick_test_agents"."quick_test_id" = 880
DEBUG SQL (52.6ms) SELECT "quick_test_agents".id FROM "quick_test_agents" WHERE "quick_test_agents"."quick_test_id" = 879
It should be selecting quick_test_agents.agent_id
SELECT "quick_test_agents".agent_id FROM "quick_test_agents"...
Why is this happening?
The problem is with aliasing!
This statement aliases the array aggregation column as quick_test_agent_ids:
array_agg(quick_test_agents.agent_id) as quick_test_agent_ids
Now, this works in postgres but in ActiveRecord this is getting screwed up. Somehow the alias `quick_test_agent_ids' is causing ActiveRecord to believe it's actually looking for quick_test_agents.id.
If I change the alias statement it works:
array_agg(quick_test_agents.agent_id) as quick_testSSS_agent_ids
array_agg(quick_test_agents.agent_id) as agent_ids
Be careful with alias names, they might screw you up