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Remove C# attribute of a property dynamically

I have a class with a set of properties As given below.

class ContactInfo
    [Category("Contact Info")]
    public string Mobile { get; set; }

    [Category("Contact Info")]
    public string Name{ get; set; }

The objects of this class is being assigned to a property grid, so that the users can update an existing contact. you can see that Mobile is marked as ReadOnly.

But, when I want to add an entirely new Contact, I would want the users to be able to edit the contact Mobile also. For that I need to remove the Readonly property dynamically from the Type, before assigning the object to the property grid. Is it possible?


  • You can not remove the attribute at runtime, but you can use reflection to change the ReadOnly attribute's ReadOnly private backing field to False. Making it the equivalent of [ReadOnly(false)]

    See this article for details:

    Edit: fixed link